AI Adoption in Family Businesses: A Wake-Up Call and Lessons from Global Leaders

How are leading family businesses navigating the artificial intelligence revolution while preserving their core values? A recent IMD AI Maturity Index reveals a striking reality: while family enterprises have historically led innovation, only 17 of the top 200 companies in AI adoption are family-owned or controlled. These pioneering family businesses offer valuable lessons on successfully […]
Organizations as Algorithms: A New Metaphor for Advancing Management Theory

According to the ‘Point’ essay, management research’s reliance on corporate data threatens to replace objective theory with profit-biased ‘corporate empiricism’, undermining the scientific and ethical integrity of the field.
When Algorithms Rule, Values Can Wither: Building responsible AI systems starts with recognizing that technology solutions implicitly prioritize efficiency

Interest in the possibilities afforded by algorithms and big data continues to blossom as early adopters gain benefits from AI systems that automate decisions as varied as making customer recommendations, screening job applicants, detecting fraud, and optimizing logistical routes.
When and How Should Family Members and Their Partners be Hired in the Family Business?

Leading academics, practitioners, and enterprising families come together to answer the most pressing thirty-five questions of Next Generation members in a short and concise, yet competent way. To empower Next Generation legacies, the authors share best practices, real-life examples, and critical questions for reflection.
Positioning, Articulating, and Crafting Conceptual Articles on Entrepreneurship

Conceptual articles are important for theory building but the special challenges of developing conceptual articles on entrepreneurship has not been fully considered. We begin to fill this gap by discussing the nature of conceptual articles on entrepreneurship, particularly those geared for publication in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.